what we do

soulmindbody.space facilitates an experience that allows you to take time out, to focus on yourself. 

The world is speeding upWe all experience busy lifestyles. As we push ourselves more and more, psychologically and physically, we face disease, disharmony and distress. 

This service aims to provide a safe space for people to reconnect with their body and mind. Through psychological therapy, massage and relaxation, you can move towards ease, harmony and de-stress.

the idea

After working in the field of mental health for many years and training as a Counselling Psychologist and Massage Therapist, Dr. Avril Gabriel realised soulmindbody.space was essential.

Personally experiencing the benefits of psychological therapy and massage therapy, has encouraged Avril to create a service where both can be readily accessed.  She believes “everybody needs a space.” 

space for you

We know that you matter. 

It is easy to forget that we matter. Caught up in the rat race, we place money, objects or other people ahead of our wellbeing.  We push ourselves to breaking point, instead of taking a break.

We will work with you to find out what you want from treatment and how we can best facilitate your space. 

Whether you want a 60 minute massage to unwind from a stressful week, or a 50 minute psychological therapy session to unload a stressful week, we will support you and remind you that you matter.  So give yourself the space that you need to look after yourself. Have a look at our services and get in contact if you think we could help. If you only take away one fact from this website, please let it be that you matter.